On Valentine’s Day, A Letter to my Husband!
I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Write a letter to your Husband/Beloved”.
I was always mentally prepared for marriage. I was brought up in a way that the ultimate goal in life was to be a successful housewife (yes, that is a thing and i’m NOT ashamed of it in anyway!). With changing trends and lifestyles, I became the worst of both worlds – the working and the homemaking woman. But in this journey, I accomplished what I really wanted – marry a man that gave me stability in life. My husband, Vinod, more fondly known as Vinny, is probably the only one after my parents who can see right through me. There’s no kidding or hiding things from him. Weirdly, This is going to be my first letter ever to him!! Read on and do share your comments with me 🙂
My Dearest Po,
You Know, I was always the girl whose aim in life was to grow up and get married. Funny as it may sound, but that’s what I saw happening all around me. I had never seen a girl finish her studies, let alone higher studies, never seen one do a job or so… So my ultimate plan in life was to get married and have a family. No compromises there.
I still remember the day when I was to meet you. I felt so belittled and weird and shy …
It was as if I’m out there for an exhibition and whether to pick me or not was solely in the hands of the viewer. When we sat down to talk, I gradually got comfortable. Of course like every young girl I had a checklist in my mind. You must have scored a 7-8 out of 10 and that was good enough for me. Eventually, we got engaged and then a new journey started.
As time went by, I spoke a lot to you. I don’t even remember when talking to you got so comfortable that we moved from strangers to close friends. I had a lot of weight on my heart which if you remember, you helped me clear very smartly! That supersmart guy that you were!!
But I’m so glad that happened. You read me like an open book written in the easiest of handwriting and I always wondered how you had that insight on me. You’ve been really nasty to me by acting really smart – remember the Titanic Pose? I hated you for that!
But slowly, gradually and eventually, I fell so much in love with you, it’s maddening! I don’t even know if it can be fathomed or not. By the time we were getting married, I felt like this was a Love marriage instead of an arranged marriage.
You know with so many issues that came up and the little things that became big between us, I’m glad we have mutually matured to a complacent level. I’m glad that we live together in peace and affinity, and those are the precise values we are building in our children.
I’m a girl who was never treated like a chained bird by my parents. Partly because they gave me freedom, and partly because I took the freedom I wanted without considering or fearing the consequences. I was always threatened to ‘behave’ because the freedom I get at home, I wouldn’t at my in-law’s place. But I am more than just glad that I got beyond that freedom in my home, in my home with you! You’ve cooperated and helped me with all of my desires and well honestly, we all know that I wouldn’t have listened to your advice if I was determined to do something!! Ya ya that LIC policy!! I remember you don’t have to remind me.
You’ve broken my trust, and you’ve won it many more times,
You’ve forgotten to get me any gifts, yet given me the best things in life,
You’ve pulled me down, but given me rockets on my back to fly with more effect and speed…
you’ve loved me little, but made me love you more than anyone and anything else in this world!
To you, I owe my life and my entire happiness.
P.S. You really need to start applying oil to your hair by yourself, I really love you a lot, but I hate oil on my hands even more.
Thank you and Love You,
Your Awesome Wife!
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You may also like to read the previous letter which was a Letter to my Older Self
I would like to thank my beautiful fellow blogger Surabhi for introducing me. You can read her posts here: www.pearlncaramel.winkl.co
I would also like to introduce my fellow blogger Aashi, who is a Lawyer by profession but a Mother by choice!You can read her fantastic blogs here: Lawyermumma.wordpress.com
Nice write up .Even my hub rely on me for applying oil 😓
hahah I get so angry! Its an everyday affair!
Wow prisha, such lovely words. You might have remembered every memory of that time when you wrote this letter. Love it. Simply touched.
Such a lovely letter! Really enjoy it
Love the ease with which you put out your feelings ☺❤
Prisha..this is so cute. And tour guy surely sounds very much matured, composed and understanding from your write up. God bless you both.
That’s beautiful tale I’ve read this Valentine’s. Indeed Marriage works on mutual understanding and giving space to eachother. Wish you a happy married life ahead and forever
Such a lovely letter from a wife to a husband…Loved reading every thought and emotions of your dear 🙂
Its so beautiful to see you pour your heart out.. writing is the best way to express ones true feelings.. beautifully written…
A beautiful letter.Your hubby is a lucky man abd so are you.Stay blessed Prisha.
wow, this is such a cute piece of writing….I would also do something like this for my husband, when I will have one…. 😀
What a lovely letter! My husband atleast puts oil in his hair himself. He thinks I will be responsible for more of hairfall..lol
You are quite the writer Prisha. Not too intense but heartwarming and sweet.
How lovely. Very well expressed the feelings which are difficult to pen down