[[Review]]Palmer’s Cocoa Range for Babies Palmer’s Baby Butter and Palmers Baby Wash

Ever since my twinadoes were born, we have tried several brands of baby products. It is when we stumbled upon the Palmer’s Cocoa Range for Babies that we realized our search is finally over! Palmers has been a renowned name for years and needs no introduction per se. When they launched their baby range, I really wanted to try it for my boys.

I had somewhat settled with a brand when I received samples from Babychakra for Palmer’s body lotion and baby wash.This review is based on my experience with those samples. This is not a sponsored post and consists of my honest opinion alone.

1. Palmer’s Baby Wash with Cocoa Butter & Shea Butter

Size:- 250 ml

Price: – INR 520

What Mummasaurus Likes:-

  1. Palmers body wash turned out to be one of those rare baby washes that completely washes off after a quick rinse. I have hated the soapy feeling baby washes leave even after multiple rinses.

2. It requires a very small amount of wash to bathe the baby.

3. Plamer’s Baby Was lathers well.

4. It has a very mild and pleasant chocolate-like sweet smell. The baby keeps mildly fragrant through the day.

5. It is hypoallergenic and mild, free from Sulphates and Phthalates.

6. The Wash contains Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter, known for their ability to Moisturiser and nourish skin.

7. It also contains Vitamin E which is a natural antioxidant.

8. The bottle comes with a pump making it easy to use single-handedly for times when our baby needs more attention.


  1. I think the design of the bottle is too simple, given that it’s a baby product.
  2. The color and design of most of its products are pretty much the same. Different colored bottles make it easier to pick the right one from your stack.
  3. I personally think it is a little higher on the pricing. Though the quantity required is really less and one bottle lasts really long.
  4. Because of the tall, pump bottle design, the remnants are difficult to extract, leading to some wastage.

2. Palmer’s Baby Butter with Cocoa Butter and Aloe

Size:- 250 ml

Price:- INR 520

What Mummasaurus Likes:-

  1. The Palmers baby butter lotion feels satin smooth and creamy to touch.
  2. Its consistency makes it easy to spread and gets absorbed by the skin really fast
  3. The nourishment stays up to 24 hours!!! (Really!)
  4. The lotion smells like really sweet chocolates and I absolutely love that!
  5. The smell is long lasting but very mild. So unless you hug the child, you won’t get too much of an aroma.
  6. The quality of the product is great, just a little quantity does the job and spreads well.
  7. ZERO stickiness and greasiness. Quick to absorb and stays for a long time


  1. Again, I think a certain amount of the product is wasted because of the pump bottle.
  2. The bottle design is nothing very attractive or unusual.

Mummasaurus’ Final Verdict:-

I absolutely dig this! It is my favourite body wash and baby lotion now. We have permanently moved on to Palme’s for our everyday needs, using them regularly for my twinadoes.


In case you want to purchase these products, I got a great deal at Amazon.in where I bought a combo of these Palmer’s products at a heavy discount. Check it out here.


Don’t forget to give this product a try and share your experience with me in the comments below.

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You may also like to read:- The Nomad’s Holi




Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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