Play Shifu Travel: Play Shifu Augmented Reality Games for Kids

Undeniably, we live in a world that’s moving too fast. We want our Pizzas in 30 minutes or less, our shopping to be delivered in 2 days or less, our increments to happen every year or even less. And to no one’s surprise, that’s how our kids want things too. The generation today is a lot smarter than the previous one, and if you just nodded your head, I know you agree too. The current generation is a gadget freak – it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if they pulled a trick or two on your phone or tab that you’d never seen before. Screen time, even though limited, plays a huge role in how soon kids learn. Wrecking the market and taking the step ahead are Augmented Reality games, like that of Play Shifu and today, I wish to share a Play Shifu Travel set review with my readers.


About Play Shifu

Play Shifu makes Augmented Reality games that help children learn better. Designed by early childhood experts and parents, the games contain a set of cards that can be viewed through a specific mobile phone app. The app is available on both, iOs as well as Andorid Platforms.

Contents of the Game Pack

I received the TRAVEL box from Playshifu. The box consisted of:

  • 60 Square Cards with travel based images on them
  • A cloth pouch
  • Platic tray for holding the cards
  • A mobile stand holder (placed in the pouch)
  • Box with magnetic lid for containing all of these
  • Instruction booklet

How Does a Play Shifu Game Work?

The instruction booklet is very easy to follow. Primarily, you would need to install the Play Shifu app.

Once the card is viewed in the installed app, the contents of the card come alive. They become 3D images and begin to animate.  They show the functioning of the object in the card, help the child carry out certain function like clicking to enable further activity of the animated object

The Twinadoes’ Experience with the Play Shifu Travel Set

  • The set was convenient to engage both of them at the same time
  • It can be viewed and interacted with for hours too, so more time to engage the kid in an activity
  • The interface is kind of laggy. This could be because of my handset as well
  • The learning from the app is quite decent – from learning new words, travel mediums, and mini-games to help learn spellings as well
  • Once the app and all are configured, you don’t really need the cards all the time. You can run the program without having to place the card in front of the camera every time


  • It only has 3 registrations allowed. Beyond that, the box is not an augmented reality game anymore. Wish there was a way to renew your membership code for usage beyond 3. There are smart kids who delete the app just for fun (yeah, mine included)
  • An adult may need to help the children play with the cards, but in the library mode (playing without cards) children can play on their own if they can operate regular apps or play youtube videos on the phone.
  • There are no additional purchases and absolutely no cross-promotional ads. That is great!

Mummasaurus’ Verdict

I find the Play Shifu Travel Set very interactive and recommend it. The Play Shifu Travel Set is a great way to learn with the help of Augmented Reality.

Price of the Play Shifu Travel set of 60 Cards: INR 748 (when I purchased from Amazon)

Variants Available:

  • Safari
  • Jobs
  • Space
  • Travel

All packs are available in variants of 60 cards, and 20 cards.

Purchase Link:

For Play Shifu Travel Set:

For General PLay Shifu Boxes:


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Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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