Neha Agarwal – A peek into this Babychakra Rockstar’s Life

Featuring someone’s day – it’s not always as easy as taking down their statements and turning them into a write-up. It is essential to get the emotions and feelings on point. I am featuring Babychakra’s Neha Agarwal – and offering A sneak -peek into her regular Day. This Blog is a part of my participation in the Write Tribe Festival of Words #6 #WTFOW. The prompt for Day 4 is:- Feature a Day in your life or someone else’s life.

In a candid conversation with someone, I have been working with for over 2.5 years now. She is classy, sassy, lovely and an awesome wonder lady. I have never seen her shy away from voicing her opinion or mincing her words too much. If it’s a spade, it will be called a spade. Let me Introduce you to a super busy woman, a friend and the Head of Community at Babychakra – Neha Agarwal.

Neha’s Day starts early. She likes to be up and about by 6:00 – 6:30 AM. The first thing she needs in the morning is a warm cup of tea made by her mom. That’s her drug, she needs a dose to get her day going.

Sleepy Neha + Mumma ke hath ki chai = Wide awake & active Neha

Her struggles are very real. It’s an every day of convincing yourself that “you should have a better body image, learn to love yourself”, while she tries really hard to slog herself to the gym or for a morning walk. Some days she makes it, other days she’s quite satisfied with how she looks and feels.

Neha Loves to have her own sweet time to get ready in the Morning

While she is having her tea, she likes to announce it that she’s awake – so she gets on to the app, checks the posts and engagements. Then immediately starts pinging her team about her observations, plans and what new needs to be done.

“Usually, the first to respond is Asha. She too gets up early on most days”, she adds.

She puts on her music loud and likes to take her time to get ready for work. Not that she would like some 5 hours, but a rushed up morning is not so much of Fun for her. In fact, a hushed and rushed morning just kills her mood for the day. She likes to choose her dress, find matching jewelry and gradually submerge in self-praise while she’s putting them on. She likes to watch the news while she is having her breakfast.

Then she packs her lunch and a portion of fruits while she books a cab. Now the cabs are one sore point for they take ages to book, and millenniums to reach her home. If she feels she’s really getting late, she logs in from home and starts working from her breakfast table. She does not have a single moment to waste!

Cab rides are a pain – it’s an everyday fight!

“Can you Imagine? It takes me about 2 hours to reach work EVERY SINGLE DAY?!!”

Even though she is utilizing her time by communicating on the Babychakra app and responding to emails, the cab takes the best of her. It’s like half of her enthusiasm dies on her way to work. But she has tricks up her sleeve to get back into the groove.

Once she reaches work she reaches her seat which is at the end of the bay.

“I exchange pleasantries on the way but don’t feel very chatty then. I like to take a break – sit down, breathe, sip a coffee and fix my hair before I like to get into a conversation with anyone at work”.  Usually, her colleague Khusboo reaches by then, so they mutually pick up on the energy and get going with the day.

“My days are crazy busy. I’m into conferences and meetings from 11 in the morning to 5 in the evening – only working on strategies”

Her days seem very hectic with meetings, strategies, numbers, and a lot of here and there. There’s a lot on her plate to manage. She loves that Khusboo manages the Data for her and that Asha and Priya also manage the app and other urgencies while she is in meetings all day.

“It’s difficult to find a team that is mature, totally enthusiastic and motivated about their work. They are always so full of ideas – they have one or the other thing running in their mind. We, as a team, get along well and enjoy being one. I’m really lucky to have them as a part of my team.”

They are 4 in a team. Khusboo, Priya Sood, Asha Chaudhary and Neha Agarwal, of which Asha & Priya work from home while Neha and Khushboo work from the Babychakra office. Most of their discussions and meetings happen over WhatsApp or Skype Concalls & it’s a hilarious affair. Asha is usually trying to figure out a spot in the house that gets decent network – so her voice is often cracking like “I am trying to say – ay -ay- ay -ay -ay – ay”.

Priya is usually trying to make her kiddo have a chill pill so that he gives her a break. Even in the most important of con calls, her son is heard saying “Why are you sitting here? Get off my foot!”.

Khusboo & Neha participate from the Babychara office which is a busy place and a lot of chitter chatter is always going on. So you usually have to cup your ears to hear what the girls are saying.

So trying to have one single conversation over skype is actually a lot to ask!

She narrated a fun incident to me –

“We were on a skype con-call and working on an excel sheet together. Now we have 1000s of excel sheets and they are all shared. So that’s a lot of sheet – work happening. That’s when Asha said – ” In people’s life, Shit happens. But in our life, SHEET HAPPENS”.

Neha feels that she is definitely lucky to have done a fantabulous job with a kickass team, that does not even sit together in the same office.That’is a moment of pride for her.

With the few hours that she is left with after her conferences, she likes to chalk out plans for herself and implement things she has been planning to do. She is not completely delegating things, but a lot is on her table too.

She mentioned, ” I am really bad at remembering names. Naiyya is usually like, Hey you remember I introduced you to this person the other day … and I’m all blank! Naiyya laughs at me some days! Dude, you are the Community Head, you are supposed to be Good with names!”

Coming back home, she likes to listen to music & finish the day’s pending emails.

She likes to listen to music on her way back or connecting with Momstars & friends over WhatsApp. Once she is home, it is usually very late and her parents have often finished their dinner. Some days, if her mum is still awake, she heats the food for her. She really, really appreciates the efforts her mother puts in for her. Mumma still pampers her little girl and the little girl really appreciates every bit of that.

Her day declines by watching some news. Some days she watches channels like TLC & NDTV good times. Lifestyle, Interiors, Fashion, and cooking shows fascinate her a lot. Her father makes fun of her sometimes – that she does not cook a single thing but will follow Nigella Lawson like anything. They have a good laugh at it, but she thinks watching all these shows is therapeutic. She often likes to cuddle with her brother’s pet cat, who she adores a lot.

Some days her mind is constantly stuck onto an idea she wants to put to reality with paint. She practices painting on and off and likes to do it only when she has an urge to. Sometimes it takes weeks to finish a piece and she absolutely loves doing it. She does not sleep peacefully unless she has it done.

Painting by Neha Agarwal. You can check more of her work as an artist on her FB page – Art Cre’atif.

Neha’s days are long & Busy, but she’d rather have them that way, than to while away her time.

Even though so much goes on into her day, she still manages to wake up refreshed and all enthusiastic for the next day. Every night she loves to tell herself, that it’s high time she gets consistent with her exercise regime, but the same story is repeated every morning.

I am happy to have had a chance to feature a day of such a popular person and get to know her personally as well.

If you liked what you read, don’t forget to SHARE the article.

You may also like to read my entry for the 3rd day – The Map to Your Loved Ones’ Heart

This article is my entry for the 4th day of the Write Tribe Festival of Words #6 #WTFOW

Write Bravely!!


Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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