Navratri or Navratras are just around the corner. And it’s hard to miss a celebration of womanhood, a celebration of a woman’s power. So, to celebrate this occasion, I introduce an Instagram-marathon or an instathon. The major theme of the Instathon is Navras. Navras- meaning 9 emotions of human beings, is a popular concept of acting and other demonstrated forms of art. I would be imbibing the 9 Ras, the 9 flavors, or forms of emotions into the instathon. Let’s talk more about the campaign on this blog – introducing Navraswithpri

NavraswithPri – Navaratri Insta-Marathon

This instathon is organized during the Chaitra Navratri of 2020. 

It will start on the 17th of October, 2020 & end on the 25th of November, 2020

Here are some basic rules & Guidelines for the campaign.
  • Every participant needs to make A Post for the day’s theme
  • They also need to post 1 story for the same
  • All their content for the day should be completed by 3 PM every day. No delays.
  • Once your post is LIVE on Instagram, share its Link in the WhatsApp group
  • Ensure to Tag @mummasauruss & #NavraswithPri  #NavraswithPriS1
  • Commenting on the Host’s post is mandatory
  • Commenting on 1 person above & 1 person below you in the posting sequence is mandatory
  • Total of 3 comments per person per day
  • Please commit if you can. Kindly no backing out or skipping in between.

Themes & Prompts for the NavraswithPri

The theme & prompts are based on the Navras concept, which talks about the 9 emotions of a human being. The prompts are:

17th October – शृंगार Shringaara (Adornment/ decking up for love)
18th October – हास्य Haasya (Laughter)
19th October – करुण Karuna (kind-heartedness/Compassion)
20th October – रौद्र Raudra (Anger)
21st October – वीर Veera (Valour/brave)
22nd October – भयानक Bhayanaka (fear)
23rd October – वीभत्स Bheebhatsya (Disgust)
24th October – अद्भुत  Adbhutata (Wonderful/Surprised)
25th October – शांत Shaant (Peace/Tranquil)
26th October – Dashmi, Dussehra

The 10th Prompt, of Dashmi/Dussehra, is optional.

Some Tips for Writing Posts for NavraswithPri

The #NavraswithPri campaign is being conducted to help generate more positive and happy content, especially around festivities. The prompts and the campaign are open to everyone irrespective of religious belief, gender, age, or any other parameters. Here are some tips that will help increase your reach with the regularity of posting:


  • Write short captions – well, as short as possible.
  • Read your draft a few times, so you can edit and discard aspects that are not crucial to the story
  • Put hashtags that are relevant to the picture
  • Use a picture and a caption that go hand in hand.
  • A clear, eye-catching, happy picture, tend to get more clicks and responses
  • Be clear, be honest, but word it well. I wouldn’t recommend using unfiltered language to post about a theme. The wording is everything.
  • The days we have before the event, sit down, and sort out the images and interpretations of your prompts. So on the publishing dates, it does not get overwhelming. Most of us are parents, so we know how crazy last minute things can get
  • Enjoy the campaign,  the rush, and the urgency of posting on time, with a group. If it feels forced, it will reflect in your writing.
  • There are no prizes because this campaign is being done for the love of Instagram and content. It’s not a competition, but a community-building activity.


Fill this google form below:

#NavraswithPri Registrations




This blog is also a part of the #letsblogwithpri campaign going on simultaneously as we prepare for the #NavrasWithPri Campaign. 




Hosted By : Prisha Lalwani
IG: @mummasauruss
FB: /mummasaurus1


Post your weekly links below:


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Click here to enter


Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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