A Letter to the my Tupperware Lids
I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Write a letter to an Inanimate Object”
The moment I had this prompt in mind, I knew exactly who to write a letter to. I always thought that if these things could hear, I’d give them an earful. But where there’s a will, there’s a way! So here I am, writing to the nasty little Tupperware Lids of my house! Read on for some humor and some creative thinking (If I’m allowed to state that and gloat!)
Dear Mr. Tupperware Lid,
Now don’t ask me how I know your gender. Your total inability to listen to what I say is no better than all the other 3 men in the house. So obvious guess – you must be a male!
Now, before I crib further, let me wish you the best of health, wherever you are (All because I have no clue wherever that is!)
I’m sort of done looking for you. Do you have the faintest of idea, as to how difficult it is to give you all the attention at 6 am in the morning?
Try imagining this –
A woman, who’s probably not got decent sleep all thanks to the mobile era and the ME time.
The poor lady struggled to get a decent shut-eye because she couldn’t complete level 3 on candy crush. That’s quite a shame because her 4 years old CAN do that, but anyway.
So she doesn’t get good shut-eye, and struggled to say goodbye to her blanket. BUT SHE DID because if she doesn’t wake up and the kids stay home, its a different level of madness.
But hey back to the imagining part again – so, no shut-eye, really cranky and tired, and just like every day, she is late again!
So she’s rushing to make breakfast for her sons, breakfast for her husband, lunch for her sons and lunch for her husband because for a god-knows-what reason all 3 can never be on a consensus of what to eat. So it is at least 4 dish preparations right in the morning. (and without a doubt, no one pats her back!)
In the haste to pack those lunch boxes, she ushers everything here and there only to see Mr. Tupperware Lid throw an attention seeking gimmick again. Mr. Tupperware Lid is NOWHERE to be found!
Your attention mongering is a trouble to this poor lady but obviously, YOU DON’T CARE! All you care about is your silly hide and seek games and most days, it’s just hide. I really wish you could play these games on weekends, I got fairly better time on weekends … and what, we’ve discussed this a hundred times!
Then, out in the Diwali cleaning madness, a couple of you crop up looking like a piece of crap because obviously, you got rotten as you hid in your god-knows-which place. There are spider webs on you and cockroaches lay eggs. The rats nibble on you and you know what? I’d rather discard you than use you again!
So, Mr. Tupperware lid, I write to you to tell you that I’m done with you and your attention seeking behavior. I urge you to go freaking see a therapist because you really need help.
At least think of your Tupperware box, who tends to feel lonely and ‘useless’ when you are not around, at least think about this poor woman who is anyways having a hard time juggling home, kids, me time, a husband, a job, and everything there is! It will be kind of you if you came to my hands before I see you hugging the maid’s hands. I hate to see her smirk and flaunt you like a trophy of diamonds when she finds you.
So this is my last and final request before I replace you and your poor friend the Tupperware box. Please ‘straighten up’ and learn to behave before I replace the whole of you guys with simple Rs 5 plastic boxes. I’m serious, I will do it! So now, you gotta tread your waters carefully, or else, you know my wrath.
Looking forward to earnest and honest cooperation from you.
Warm Regards,
YOUR OWNER (Yes, that’s right! read that again, you friggin’ Tupperware Lid)
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You may also like to read the previous letter which was a Not-so-emotional Letter to my Twins.
I would like to thank Nishtha Sama for introducing me. You can read her post here : https://themomnmunchkin.wordpress.com/
I would also like to introduce my fellow blogger Charu, who is also a fellow twin mom. You can read her soul touching writings here https://themomsagas.com/
If only they could hear us!! aaargh.. i totally feel the pain!
haha, absolutely!! but i thought, why not, let’s give it a try!
Oops… A fair loud last warning … U better bring ur missing friends or else she may really act on her last wirds
You got it bud!
Haha, it is really funny even when you are angry at the lids 😜. Loved the read ❤.
Lolz I also juggles with Tupperware lids sometimes. I think now they’ll become straight and sit on their jar silently. Love reading this kitchen tale
Absolutely loved reading this tupperware lid letter. I have been using Tupperware for years but always struggle with the lids. Such a fun post!!
hhahaha…. Same story at my place and that’s the only time I criticize my help & lids but in my thoughts because I can’t afford my help to leave me as she’s my only hope.
Hahaha 😂 This is something funny and true at the same time. I loved reading this.
I can so much relate to this quirky yet funny letter, hoping that they are listening somewhere to our thoughts! Thoroughly enjoyed reading.
hahha thanks a lot Jhilmil 🙂
A very interesting read away from the ordinary. Totally unique dimension to looking at things. It was fun reading and yes, lets me ponder as well 🙂
Woah! Full points for creativity! And three dishes in the morning?? I would run away !
your post had me in splits. I reminds me of the innumerable times, when I struggle to find the lids to my kids’ tiffin boxes.
hehe! Loved this article! Loved the creativity #Viddhreads #MyfriendAlexa
that totally hilarious but relatable thing. it happens to me too..
Seriously laughable lines… I am wait to know did you ever hear back from Mr.Tupperware and what was his side of the story! When do we know?
This is so you, Prisha! I could picture you having this conversation with the lids! A post that brought a smile to my face, just like your Instastories do. Loved it!
Very nice, they would now definitely rush back.
Hey , This Tupperware story is so typical in many Metro hoseholds , still you are the only one who though and scripted an Open letter to theTupperware lid. I hope they listen and follow your orders forever. #MyFriendAlexa #SujatawdeReads
I loved this post/… so relatable and funny.. amazing how you find humour in these every day situations… standup comedy karo… you’d be the first mommy comic of the country ;P
This is the first of a kind letter I have ever read. It sets me thinking that there are a couple of inanimate objects I want to have a chat with. What fun that would be! Thanks for the share!
That was so brilliantly hilarious. Loved the language and sarcasm.
This was one heck of a fun read! Don’t you wish that people sold the ‘dhakkan’ separately? he and his tantrums would hold themselves well then. 😀
Hahaha…this post had me grinning all through out.
Hell hath no fury like a woman angry at her tupperware, eh? 😉
Loved reading this little missive to your attention seeking tupperware lid! 😀
Different concept of talking to an inanimate thing. A funny read though. I think it’s a very common problem for all of us searching for the lids. Sometimes I even wonder where I’ve kept my spectacles and hope it does have a number so that I can call it and ask its whereabouts.
haha.. hilarious! this is my first visit to your blog. But have watched your funny antiques on insta. you have one hell of a talent.
Ha ha, had a fun time reading this! And I so agree with you. BTW, I have a different story to write – my Mr. Tupperware lids get broken leaving their poor spouses alone. Urge you to write more frequently, would love to visit your blog more often to read your brilliant posts.
That’s hilarious! In fact, I can easily imagine myself in your place. Loved it.
Loved it Honey ….this is superb.
Thoroughly hilarious! Agree that the tupperware lid is certainly male.
Hilarious!!! Thanks for making my day lighter!
ha ha interesting concept, enjoyed reading your letter. it is really concept for me
I hear you love. Have been there have experienced it all 🙂
Haha this is hilarious but so true at the same time.. Very creative
nice post .some of amazing dishes and well known brand
#poseinstylereads #myfriendalexa
Interesting read. #sindhureads #myfriendalexa
I had a hearty laugh treading this Prisha. I could imagine you talking to the lids!! Love your sense of humour and the commendable ability to find humour in the most mundane things.
You nailed it .. yes, you absolutely have!!!! It was hilarious AF!!!!
Hilarious! I am not the only one who juggles these lids 🙂
Your sense of humor is amazing! I can totally relate to your pain although I dont have kids. Well done with the scolding, hope the lids mended their ways for you
Rolling on floor ….laughing
Love this post with a funny punch and I have been switching to glass containers and try to put the lid always.
hahha, this is hilarious. I want to say the same to my gazzilion lids that have been lost in office, or between shelves!
This is highly relatable. We can NEVER find those lids. They’re probably wearing invisibility cloaks or something!
#MyFriendAlexa #literarylehareads
Haha that was just lovely to read . The heading of your post made me curious . You have put a funny side on moms’ daily troubles in the kitchen , who are in utmost hurry making food in the mornings and also packing the tiffins . Atleast the lids should listen to us .
That was hillarious! So relatable. You got me hooked till end.
And No!No! They do not care about your wrath because they know their self-importance, we cannot pack lunches without them. The spill-proof freaks they are!
I enjoyed reading it mummasaurus D
I loved it. Its a Unique topic. Wonderful.
Amazing and unique thought that i have came to know about thanks for sharing