Let’s talk nutrition in children #UnboxGrowth

As a matter of fact, we live in highly confusing times. The information we need isn’t actually missing, thanks to the Internet. The information we rather have is either incomplete, shared with us absolutely out of context or the most common catastrophe – “different doctors, different diagnosis, and different prescriptions”. Same is the case with nutrition of our children. While 1 out of every 4 children have stunted growth and poor nutrition, in urban cities of the country, 2.5% of the total children suffer from childhood obesity. Simply meaning, while some of us are over feeding our children with calories, often empty, nutrition-less ones, many children are a bit too skinny and suffer poor growth due to lack of nutrients.

Pediasure and its role in a child’s nutrition

Pediasure is a leading health drink, aiming at providing calorie dense food for children. It helps parents complete the daily calorific and nutritional intake required for optimum growth of their children.

Becoming a common, household name for many parents, Pediasure suggests that each serving contains about 7g of proteins, and 37 other vital nutrients and vitamins. Pediasure helps with the below benefits on consumption:

  • Helps in healthy weight gain
  • Supplies essential calories
  • Helps enhance intake of appropriate proteins, fats and essential vitamins and minerals.

The Fun and Learn Pack by Pediasure

An interesting twist to Pediasure is the Fun and Learn pack. The pack comes in an eco-friendly paper carton box, instead of the conventional plastic jar.

The carton has an activity printed on the inside. Children are required to cut the pieces of the carton, as per clear directions mentioned, and build figurines and games out of the carton box.

Benefits of the Carton Box Fun and Learn Pack of Pediasure

I personally loved this variant more, for the following reasons:

  • There is less carbon footprint
  • Lesser usage and expenditure or wastage of plastic
  • A very interesting activity for kids that helps build their creativity
  • Since the DIY activity in the box has to be done with the help of an adult, it helps kids and parents/caretakers build better bonds
  • Lesser screen time owing to the engaging activity

The fun and learn pack of Pediasure helps aim at two targets with a single box – engaging kids, while providing them appropriate number of calories for their growth and right nutrition. So when are you buying your box?

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You may also like to read: Oh Boogers!! Dealing with your Baby’s blocked nose!


Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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