Global Indian International School and New Age Learning Methods

Do you remember the old days when the entire family would stick to their TV sets? (talk about screen time control back then!) Watching Ramayana and Mahabharata, learning about things that happened back in time was one of the favorite ‘family activities’. We still have a very clear picture of the ‘gurukul’ learning system and how a Guru would hold a classroom kind setting under a tree. Cut to several generations later, the entire set-up moved inside a ‘classroom’ and not to much surprise, the learning methods used in a traditional classroom setting hasn’t changed much. Its been centuries since that set up has been in play and the type of mundane activities still daunt the learning system. But has no one really thought of breaking through this and bringing about a change? Global Indian International School, with their updated curriculums and newer age learning methods, have definitely taken a step beyond the traditional classroom seating and learning. They have been helping children achieve more out of their learning and schooling years.

Global Indian International School and Updated Curriculums

In a recent meet conducted by the Global Indian International School, Noida, I got an opportunity to interact directly with the Managing team of the school. They shared insight into teaching, coaching and eventual learning in a way that I have never heard of before.

The school believes in catering to the many interests a child may have. From roller skates to drawing, to robotics – you name it and the school is conducting the activity. Global Indian International school focus mainly on the happiness index of the students. They stress highly on how happy and satisfied a child is in their classroom. Their focus is not just on academics or co-curricular. They also focus on how well-adjusted students are in the real life. They run activities that teach the importance of a clean city and a student’s role in it. Global Indian International School lead their students to understand how ethical and moral values guide a person’s way in their life. Global Indian International school is taking a lot of effort to build and nurture a student’s life.

It actually came as a surprise that they had an Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for their students. It is really the next step to education where the seeds of being an entrepreneur are sown right from the start. When they shared about a few ideas some of the students had, it was surprising how such young minds can have such enormous, yet practical plans for life.

Global Indian and the Happiness Index

Global Indian International School is one of the schools that pay utmost attention to how it’s innovative ideas and methodologies are taken by students, their parents and their teachers.

They believe that happiness comes from belonging to a place, being appreciated, and your approaches will be supported. Keeping these factors in mind, GIIS (Global Indian International School) aims at building a learning center where the students and staff share a common respect for each other. They focus on learning which is not limited to the typical four-walled classroom setup.

with an intention to facilitate multi-sensory experiences, teachers make academics more engaging and interesting. The focus is on learning not just facts, figures and curriculum, but also ethics, morals and build up a sense of community.

Source: GIIS

The 9 Gems program

Absolutely unique to Global Indian International School is the ideology of the 9 Gems.

GIIS believes that just curriculum-based learning is not sufficient for the fierce and demanding world of today. Hence, it focusses on 9 different aspects of human development to provide exposure to students.

Source: GIIS

As aptly quoted by Einstein, “Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid”. GIIS has actually taken steps to let a child on a path of self-discovery. A child who has explored various options knows what their true strength and true limitations are. This is truly an achievement beyond description.

While some other schools focus on a handful of extracurricular activities and a rigid focus on academics, Global Indian International School is actually churning out truly Global citizens!

The Blogger meet at Global Indian International School

Our meet with the team at GIIS was nothing less than exemplary. In a description, we were told about a certain activity conducted across various branches of the school. The participants would then upload their progress and share details VIA Facebook groups, and communicate via Videoconferencing methods. It was a never before, absolutely unheard of an idea which was fascinating.

In one of the programs, a teacher that is par excellence but resides in Singapore is available for lectures and subsequent questions for students in NOIDA. How I wish I had such learning methods back then.

With the use of Google classrooms to manage their homework and notes, to 8th-grade students already building a robot, GIIS is not just talking, but doing it as well. Listening to the fun kids are having while learning, it makes me feel that I’d have my kids enrolled with them too. Afterall, I’m not a parent who believes in just the academics for my children, but way beyond that. For a school that knows the difference between educating, developing and how all of that is different from burdening, it looks like a search coming to an end.

With a beautiful handmade card from the students, I cannot thank the GIIS Noida team enough for their hospitality and warmth.

Does your child’s school take any such interesting initiatives? Share with me in the comments below.

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You may also like to read: Global Schools – Topping the list of Schools in NOIDA


Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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