Combat Ageing with Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging Centre
I remember, back in time, my assumptions were that when women get a bit older, they stop worrying too much about their skin. But cut to modern times, women are a lot more attentive to the signs and signals of their skin. Here aging is not just tolerated, but also actively dealt with. Helping women in this endeavor is Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging centre in Delhi. I happened to have an opportunity to have a discussion with Dr Sonali Chaudhary, who is an Intergrative Dermatologist & Aesthetics doctor by profession. She helped me understand the basics of skin aging and how the Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging Centre can help me combat these signs.
Q1) I suddenly woke up one day realizing that I have those typical aging signs – dark spots, marks, pores, uneven skin tone. It actually felt like they suddenly appeared. Is that how signs of aging come? Or they are gradual? How can we identify those?
Aging is a very gradual process with sudden symptoms. Unfortunately, aging starts in our body long before the signs begin to manifest or be noticeable. And sometimes, by the time we spring into action – it is already too late and all we can do is some damage control.
Your body does drop subtle hints when the aging process begins. But most of us are not attuned to them or our lifestyle forces us to ignore them for a long time. Traditional medicine has had us believe that only when you are chronically ill – with a fever, auto immune disease, cardio metabolic disease: only then we must go to the doctor. But dark spots, marks, pores etc are all smaller signs of aging that begin to manifest on our skin. And why not! The skin is the largest organ in the human body.
In a young face, high cheekbones, full cheek volume, and a well-defined jawline are the main features that form “triangle of youth”. As you age, the triangle becomes inverted. The face becomes oblong, cheeks flatten and jowls appear on the jawline.
What are the Reasons of Skin Aging
If you have an oily skin, you are more prone to get open pores. The oils secreted from the oil glands along with pollution, make up, dirt clogs the pores and tends to increase the pore size on a long run if cleansing not done regularly.
Aging has a direct relation with the diet that you consume. High glycemic diet can speed up your aging process. As you age, collagen starts depleting and you get sagging and loose skin. It can be due to diet and sun damage. The first place where this begins to show is on the face, under eyes start to deepen and a hollowness appears along with more prominent nasolabial folds.
Signs of aging due to sun damage depends on the time and duration of UV exposure and can be manifested as freckles or uneven skin tone or hyperpigmented patch on the skin. Improper or no use of sunblock damages the skin and the effect is cumulative. It starts from discoloration, thinning of the skin to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead, around eyes, cheeks. Hyperpigmentation on the cheeks can be unilateral or bilateral. Sometimes it is also related to hormones, stress, medicines, underlying medical issue, proper care not been taken after any procedure.
Q2) Anti-aging centre is a vast term. for someone like me who isn’t, or actually wasn’t before but now is, very skin conscious, can you tell me what are the services offered at such a centre?
Anti-aging centre is definitelty a very vast term. We are called “Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging Centre” for a reason. Aging is not just about your skin. Of course, visible signs of aging become to manifest on your skin first and which is why we have been made to believe that “anti-aging” only refers to skin treatments.
When we say “metabolic anti-aging” we mean – reversing the aging process of your body inside out. It means replenishing your body’s minerals, vitamins and hormonal levels. It means keeping your fat percentage, your bone density, your muscle mass in check so that your body has the strength and the immunity to not only fight disease and aging but delay it by continuing to be in its most optimum and balanced condition. Great Skin and appearance then becomes a happy side effect of the work that Smart Metabolic does on the inside and outside of your body.
Our “whole person” approach to aging focuses on reversing the metabolic damage done to your body. We offer a range of services from Fat loss, Diabetes reversal, thyroid reversal, cardio-metabolic disease reversal, heart disease reversal, auto-immune disease reversal – programs catering to reversing more than 150 commonplace lifestyle diseases today. We also have a great virility and libido program. We achieve this through a completely noninvasive approach based on diet and supplementation.
In the beauty department, we offer integrative lasers, medicated facials, botox, fillers, permanent make up to enhance your lips, eyebrows and other features. Our Ultra PRP treatments for hair fall, fine lines, wrinkles and stretch marks are some of the best in the market. We also offer Intravenous infusion therapies for instant cures to problems like brain fogginess, fatigue, jet lag, hangover, to boost immunity or organ function and even beauty.
Q3) What do I expect from these services? Can they absolutely reverse aging? Can they correct it to a certain extent? Do i need to be in treatment continuously for years?
Smart Metabolic’s services are meant to reverse metabolic damage to your body which results in anti-aging. Extensive metabolic damage is the root cause of skin, age and lifestyle related diseases. Treatments at the Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging Centre are designed to target the root cause of any disease, disorder or skin condition that you are suffering from. Once you treat something from the root, the chances of it resurfacing are largely negligible. Treatment typically requires anything from a week to 6 months, depending on your condition and the nature of service.
I can proudly say that clients at Smart Metabolic start seeing visible results within as little as 2 weeks of treatment. So there is no reason why you should be thinking of this as a commitment for years. Moreover, we want to help you help yourself – with the focus on diet, supplementation and integrative beauty advice, you can continue to take care of your body even after the treatments stops. If there is any problem in the future, we are just a call away.
Q4) When should one think of such therapies and treatments? How do we decide if a centre is helpful and efficient or not? Are these therapies painful or bothersome? Can they go wrong?
Believe it or not, aging typically starts at 25! But because your body is full of vitality and energy, you do not begin to notice the change until much later. Moreover, our urban lifestyle and polluted cities have placed unnecessary demands on our bodies, so it is imperative that we resort to preventive health practices to support and take care of ourselves.
With Smart Metabolic, no matter what the condition – most people begin to notice results in as little as 2 weeks! Most of the clients who come here, usually refer their friends and family. In fact some days all our patients belong to one family, who have all come for different treatments.
Since the treatments at Smart Metabolic are non-invasive or minimally invasive, there is hardly any downtime to any of our beauty or metabolic treatments. The worst you can get is an injection because good health doesn’t have to be painful.
All the treatments including lasers and injectables are US FDA approved and are done under the doctor’s supervision. There are no adverse effects of any treatment that we do in the center. Patients are given full information and they are made aware of the treatment suggested. All the parameters are explained before starting with any treatment. Everything is customized as per the need and we aim to give you the best result without any adverse effect.
For more information, reach out to Smart Metabolic at 011 6644 3644/7217876120
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About Author

Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.
Such a great information about skin aging. Glad to hear tht all the treatment is us fda approved
With time, women and men have become more aware of their skin and it’s requirements. They are more concerned than ever. This treatment sounds really interesting. I bet it will be a game changer!
This treatment sounds really intriguing. Thanks for sharing prospective questions and answers . This post will serve as a reference guide for many.
I am 28 and I already feel that overt tensions has me aging! This therapy of Smart Metabolic aging is new and quite interesting.
I am always concerned about my ageing skin, your post is really very helpful, the treatment also sound helpful
I am 35 year and I feel anti-ageing start showing it effect. smart metabolic anti ageing center has answer of my problem
This is something really interesting even I didnt know about such treatment! You are right, even after 25, you can see the difference. My biggest fear is ageing,I hate wrinkled face! 🙂 I think I have to contact them
This is amazing technology..I am about to enter my 40s very soon…will check this out for myself to look young..
Quite a detailed post solving out many queries. I didn’t knew that eating foods with high glycemic index quickens up the process of ageing.
Smart anti ageing tools have become a mandate as the collagen stores deplete with age. The lifestyle that we lead makes it all the more important.
Thanks for this very well detailed post, it does solved a lot of queries. I have an oily skin and understand that I have to take good care. Though I dont have many open pores issue yet. But sun damage is a problem.
I was talking to my mom regarding aging today and I realized we had so many misconceptions or little to no knowledge on many topics! This post really helped me understand aging process! Will share about the services with mom!
This treatment sounds interesting… and the best part is such treatment is FDA approved.. Signs of aging aren’t an issue now
I’VE so many questions about the side effects of these therapies. But this post clears many doubts about anti ageing treatment. Good thing that I liked the most is that they are FDA approved and done by proffessional
This is so informative and a revelation for me. Didn’t know so much can be achieved through anti aging process. Wishing them super success.