Author: mummasaurus

A Letter to my Ex-Best Friend

I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Write a letter to your friend, or neighbor,

A Letter to the my Tupperware Lids

I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Write a letter to an Inanimate Object” The

My Not-so-Emotional letter to my Twins, my Twinadoes!

I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Writing a letter to your Parents, Parents in

Probiotics, Enzymes, and other Jibber-Jabber around a Healthy Digestive System

“A healthy Outside, starts from the Inside”, as stated by Robert Urich. He wouldn’t be wrong stating that fact, as a person’s digestive system is indeed a life changer. How your body digests food, the micro-organisms that stay in your gut, define your health. Certain enzymes play an important role in aiding digestion of certain