Adventures in Farland by Moshank Relia

Books & reading have always been an escape to a land far far away, yet, sitting in your mind. They say books are the best gifts… irrespective of age, and how! Reading tends to transport the reader into the mind of the author, or what the narrative states, taking you to a land far far away, as far as ‘Adventures in Farland’ by Moshank Relia.

Adventures in Farland

Moshank Relia, the author, has recently ventured into writing for young minds and his first book, Adventures in Farland is ideal for children 6 years and above. However, if you kids are as keen readers as my twinadoes, you can continue reading chapters of the book for a couple of days before bedtime, irrespective of their age.

The Story Line

Adventures in Farland is a story with a girl named Mira as the lead character. Mira is as beautiful as a girl can get and s the author describes her, She is the kind that poets write poetries about and painters paint about. She is accompanied by two mess maker twins – Bira and Vira, who were a gluttony duo but also the 7-year-old girl’s dear friends.

It was a day when Mira, Bira & Vira were going on a trek to the top of Gunhill, where they encounter magical events happening with them. She suddenly meets mysterious creatures who promise to take her to Farland, a land of even more mystery, magic, witches, gnomes, and all sorts of things. Her heist with something unheard and unseen is what the book is all about.

Mummasaurus’ Review

The book’s narration is quick and interesting. Adventures in Farland keeps you glued on to your seat, yearning for reading just one more page before you keep the book down. The tone of the book is like those of English Authors but the essence is quite Indian, even with the names and basic occupations to begin with. The book entails a beautiful and simple story that is bound to make you fall in love with the characters.

The author has paid great heed to the characterization of every character, and scene. It is pretty much like a picture gets painted with the help fo the author’s words, and that’s quite an essential skill.

The language in the book is not very complex and uses simple sentence structures and vocabulary. However, a few words here and there may make young kids want to search the meaning of a few words and enhance their learning.

The graphics are kind of average, not too fun. And if your child is someone who does not find much interest in the illustrations, then they won’t mind the images that come in between. But for a more visual reader, interesting images seem amiss in the Adventures in Farland.

My Favourite Quotes from adventures in Farland

“Mira’s smile was a crescent moon, and her cheeks were the colour of plums.
She had long arms and legs; in short, she had the height of a beanpole. It was all too good for
any artist. She was a marvellous work of art altogether! “


” There were all kinds of happy gnomes and fairies there.
In another coach, there was a disarray of fat frogs. They were dressed in upmarket suits and
lived a life of excess. Monkeys were dancing joyfully to jubilant music being played by
weasels and rats. All the heads in the coaches were bobbing up and down to the rhythm of the
music. The music flowed and changed—sharp and shrill, loud and low—so melodiously! ”


“Ugly the Giant was a bald giant. He had only two strands of hair on his head, like the
antennas on a cockroach’s head, and Queen Halo said the strands shook to and fro whenever
the giant spoke. He had a nose like the long beak of an eagle. His eyes were as narrow as the
sleek line of the horizon at sunset.”

Size of Adventures in Farland

139 pages

Price of Adventures in Farland

INR 150

Availability of Adventures in Farland

Mummasaurus’ Verdict

This book is really good, way above average! I’d rate it 4/5 and would recommend it for young minds, or for the seasoned readers who wouldn’t mind a quick read.

If you like the review, do SHARE this post with your friends and family.

You may also like to read my friend & fellow blogger Charu’s review of the book on her blog here

You may also like to read Learning while Playing with Toys.



Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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