A Letter to my Ex-Best Friend
I’m thrilled to be participating in a five-day ‘LOL-a-thon‘ organized by ‘The Momsteins’. It is a privilege to be one of the organizers and host this talent series with 27 amazing bloggers across niches. Join us to read some wonderful letters on Today’s prompt, which is ” Write a letter to your friend, or neighbor, or anyone”
I chose to write a letter to an ‘ex-best friend’, friends who were like life but we parted ways for reasons best left undisclosed. This letter is not specifically for one person that I think of (because let’s be honest, we have definitely moved on from a lot of people) and does consist of wishful and imaginative thinking. Read on and do let me know what you think of it, iof it does make you miss your own Ex-best friend!
Hey sweety!
I hope you are fine… Hope because, if course we aren’t together anymore.
You know, you always say that you miss me but never want to talk to me, because I never miss you…
That’s a lie. You don’t know anything! There isn’t a single day that I don’t spend thinking about you, about the awesome things we did together, about the horrible things we ate together, about the way we made fun and botched about those nasty people and pulled up each other’s morale on those dull gloomy days…
But the very next thought that comes to me is a reminder, that we are no longer together.
My mind gets completely filled about what happened, and I go though that heartbreak every day. I try to think of logical reasons as to why did we become so distant and not one reason really fits the situation. Something went wrong somewhere… But I ask myself everyday, why can’t I forget this and move on? Why can’t I just let go off it and scrub it away? Did that mean more to me than our friendship?
The answers are always in our favor, but our egos are not.
When I continue to think about ‘us’ and how we made so many people burn because we were such a kickass pair… I always am dragged down from my thoughts to reality. That’s when I say to myself – this is it! This is how it was meant to be, this is how it was destined to be.
You know, I still remember your birthday. In these many years, every year I wish I could knock my barricades, and drop you that message. I still stalk your pictures some days, mentally turning your images into videos… Thinking this is how you must be laughing, this is how you always want to give a HiFi and how you used to roll over me in a hysterical fit of laughter!
Then I just smile and move on, reminding myself that you are happy without me.
I don’t know if I’ll ever connect with you again… And I also don’t know if I’ll ever give up the expectation that you’ll come back to me and talk to me.
I swear, just one ‘hi’ from you and we’ll be friends again. I only wish you take that one single step and I’ll walk all the other steps in between us… I promise!
Till then I guess it’s best to just sit here and rot in our prisons of ego and keep ourselves from reaching out to each other. May be, let’s just continue being cold and nonexistent to each other.
I’m sorry I love you so much.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t cut you out of my life.
In anticipation of meeting you again one day,
Your EX Best Friend.
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You may also like to read the previous letter which was a Not-so-emotional Letter to my Twins.
I would like to thank Aparna Raj for introducing me. You can read her post here : https://toyingwithbaby2017.wordpress.com
I would also like to introduce my fellow blogger Alpana Deo, who is a true-blue Indian settled away from Homeland. You can read her fantastic blogs here : http://mothersgurukul.com/
Prisha, I am sure, if your friend is reading this letter, you will get a positive response.
Your pain is so evident in the write up. Hope this post helps you heal and move on in life. Coz sometimes, somethings are not meant to be.
Oh God, definitely made me miss my ex friends. Wanting to kill that ego and go ahead at the same time, don’t want to let go of the ego.
I can relate to this so well. Sometimes things happen and friendships change. Ego makes the changes bitter and difficult. Yet, there is no escaping from its clutches, not really.