7 Reasons Why it’s AWESOME to be a Mom of Twins

Oh My God~!! You Have Twins??

Now if you are a parent of twins, you probably don’t know what the above lines mean. These could be the awesomest thing you will hear in the day, or it would be just the tip of the iceberg. Tip of the iceberg of routine twin parent interrogation questionnaire by strangers 😐 . OMG, You have twins? So do they sleep together? Does one run if the other is running? How do you manage? Why don’t you move in with your parents or in-laws? Hire at least 3 helpers!
And tons of other valuable tips on how I could make my life easy with twins. To top it all, if you have twin BOYS, you are all the more “mercy-worthy”. “Oh Poor you, your house must smell like a toilet! Your house must always be a mess! OH, I can’t handle one boy, Don’t know how you handle two!”

I’ll be honest. My life is Faaaaaaaaar from easy or convenient but I would take being a Mom of twins over any other role, anyone in the world has ever assumed. Because it may be difficult, but being a Mom of twins is the awesomest thing ever! Why??? Read on to know 7 Reasons why it’s awesome to be a Mom of twin boys!

  1. You are a Celebrity!

Admit it! If you are a mom of twins, you assume the role of a celebrity. Wherever you go, people want to talk to you, ask you questions and know more about you. I have also had people who wanted to get clicked with my twins. Why?? Oh they are super adorable, that’s why !! hahaha

2. Matchy Matchy!!

Even before I had a set for myself, I loved it when twins wore the exact same outfits, had exact same hair styles. It is a thrill beyond description. When you have a set of twins of your own, you get endless opportunities to dress them alike, and boy, I do love it the most!!

3. One Pregnancy

One pregnancy, double reward!!  Who doesn’t like that?!! Well yeah, I had a very high risk pregnancy and wasn’t even allowed to sit. In the latter part of the pregnancy, I couldn’t even sit, stand, lie down or get up on my own. But yeah… just one pregnancy and twins!!

4. Extra Daddy Bonding

Well, we twin parents must admit, that both parents are intensely involved in parenting and managing the twins. While one is being breastfed by mom, Dad can bottle feed the other. While one is being rocked to sleep by mo, daddy can rock the other. Twins eventually bond with their fathers almost as good as they bond with their mothers.

5. Born with a best friend

Twins are born with their best friends (and sworn enemies – but since we are only talking about the awesome parts today..!) The love and sharing between the two, the endless giggles over nothing, the fulfilling companionship and camaraderie is absolutely like no other kind of sibling bond. Twins are special that way – Period!

6. Two Sides of a coin

Most  twins are very different in terms of personality. Raising two at a time, with absolutely different personalities is a blessing as well as an interesting challenge. It is thrilling to see how two children can behave absolutely differently in the same situation.

7. Mom to Twins are less Judgmental

True that! Moms of twins have been through so much themselves, that they tend to judge another mom’s situation less. Shit happens, and no one knows that better than a mom of twins. We’ve all had pur baby’s finger in the door hinge, had them locked,lost, hurt profusely, may be sometimes permanently, but we all live with it, deal with it and never judge about it.

Having twins is a matter of a bit of luck and a bit of science. But the result is always the same – witnessing parenting like no other!

This blog is a part of the Moms Speak Up Blog Train hosted by Me and Nayantara.

I would like to Thank my dear Friend Zainab for introducing me in the blog Train. Her blog revolves around her travel experiences and her weight loss and Fitness endeavors. Read her post for this blog train over here. Next in the chain is another good friend, Kapila who writes about how she sees the world as a parent of two beautiful dolls. Her earthy appeal reflects in her gorgeous writing. Read her blog for the blog train here.

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Wife to one, Mom to two and a friend to a hundred. Good, bad, awesome and horrible, all in one! Been through depression myself, I value the power of Entertainment and HUmor in our everyday life. That is why i choose to write about lighter, fun topics more than all the difficulties I went through! I'm Crazy Mom of Twin Boys, my TWINADOES - Chirag and Chitransh ...! Together we learn new things and explore new meltdown points of each other... I don't look for friends anymore, for I have personally given birth to my monster partners of Crime!!! A trained Counseling Psychologist by qualification, I am now a Quirky SAHM and a Creative Content Writer, whose world revolves around an awesome husband and 2 ruckus makers.

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