Believe it, we are more outgoing than our parents ever were. Frequent trips everywhere and then being those parents who take the baby everywhere with us is not just a trend but also a necessity. In such situations, at least we forever have a pack of wipes in our car dashboard, one in my handbag,
When you hear the word Parenting Coach – you wonder what makes someone a parenting coach in the first place. How can someone tell you the right or wrong way about your parenting, given that every child and parent relationship is unique. How can someone get through to your stubborn, or willful child, without knowing
“You have two heart beats”. “Hmm? What? What does that mean?” “You are carrying Twins”. “Oh My God! Are you Serious?” That must be my first “OMG Are you serious” moment with my twins, but that definitely wasn’t the last. I had at least a million more such moments and a many more than that
Everybody likes watching movies – they are an excellent way of recreation and killing time. They entertain us and change our mood. Movies are often a reflection of our everyday life. We relate with them conveniently is because they imbibe values, humour, emotional pressures and struggles of lives of the everyday Indian. Hence, today we